The CellBlock LIBIK Protecting the NASA S.O.F.I.A. Mission

May 4, 2021 Dylan Francis Vandemark

The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy [S.O.F.I.A.] is a kicked up NASA Boeing 747SP with an amazing telescope aboard. Flying in the stratosphere at near 45,000 feet, above clouds, and with no atmosphere blocking infrared light.

The imagery results and gifts of data are amazing, and have aided the SOFIA team to find water on the Moon and witness mesmerizing celestial life, all because it gets to come home to Earth every evening for a tune up and new adjustments.

We are humbled to have our LIBIKs on board, as these men and women discover more every day.

Dylan Francis Vandemark

Dylan Francis Vandemark serves as Vice President of Product Development for CellBlock FCS. He provides dangerous goods consulting, SMS training and auditing, fire safety and EHS consulting, lithium battery handling and safety consulting, and standards writing.